Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plans for March

First, thanks a ton to all who came and participated in our last meeting about dear Martha Ballard and her many adventures as a early colonial midwife. As usual, the book sparked lots of great conversation topics (some of them more relevant to the book than others but all of them great)! Thanks to April (and Breanna) for opening their home to us and for the amazing spread of food. It was lots of fun!

Once again, we're going to make a slight deviation from our previously posted calendar and squeeze in a shorter read before we launch into Madame Bovary--New York Times bestseller The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright. It's readable in an afternoon or so and is a very enjoyable book.

I think it will be a nice change of venue as we've been reading many wonderful but also intense AND LONG books the last several months. And if you haven't come for awhile because you don't have much time to read, then this is the perfect month for you to join us!

The Athens Library has two copies and most of the area libraries have at least one copy. Also, Deseret Book is clearancing it out for $1.99 and I'm sure there's plenty available for cheap at Amazon and the usual places. Also, there may be a copy or two among our members if you'd prefer to just borrow one.

I'm also looking for a location and possibly a discussant for this if anyone is interested. Otherwise, you'll be driving to the southern recesses of Oconee County to join me at my place, which I'll be more than glad to have you do! :)  If you are planning on reading this book and coming to the meeting for it, please either email me or leave a comment about which Tuesdays and Thursdays you'd be available to meet this month.  As far as I know, only Mar 19th is for sure not an option (RS Birthday Enrichment).

Happy reading!