Thursday, September 25, 2008

Book Schedule For the Next Six Months

October meeting--Two 20th century poets: e e cummings (America) and W. B. Yeats (Great Britain)

Thu, Oct. 9th at 7pm
Katie Hobbs's home

injust--Spring and anyone lived in a pretty how town by cummings
Discussion led by Shelley Graham

The Lake Isle of Innisfree and When You are Old by W. B. Yeats
Discussion led by Katie Hobbs

(Please feel free to bring any additional poems you'd like to share by these or other poets)

November meeting--Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Thu, Nov. 6th at 7pm
Amie Dunford's house
Discussion led by Amie. You may choose to read an abridged or unabridged version, but you'll need to get cracking ASAP either way. The unabridged is about 800-900 pages and many abridged ones are still 400+! (This is why we're doing a simpler poetry month in October.)

No December meeting

January meeting--A Midwife's Tale by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Thu, Jan. 8th at 7pm
No discussant or location yet. Volunteers? Suggestions?

February meeting--Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Thu, Feb. 5th at 7pm
Location TBA (any volunteers?)
Discussion led by Amy Harris.

March meeting--Villette by Charlotte Bronte

Thu, Mar. 5th at 7pm
Margaret Morrison's house
Discussion led by Margaret. This book is Bronte's most autobiographical (moreso that Jane Eyre!). Should be good.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow, I'm excited for some intense books and book club discussions!