Several people at our last meeting suggested we read this one next. It's about two women in Afghanistan and the challenges they face. I grabbed it when I was at the library last Wednesday and I'm nearly done with it (and I usually take my time reading most books). I can't put it down. It's very good and very, very thought-provoking. I think we'll have a very good discussion from it--probably a little like after reading, "To Destroy You is No Loss," which means bring your Kleenex!
Although several recommended this book, we never actually decided on a discussant or a location (and it can be anyone--not necessarily someone who previously read it). So let me know if you're interested. Let's plan to meet around the end of June or very first part of July.
The local libraries and the library system has lots of copies--they're also cheap on Amazon. Here's a link if you want to see more about the book:
From Amazon: For this novel of French bourgeois life in all its inglorious banality, Flaubert invented a paradoxically original and wholly modern style. His heroine, Emma Bovary, a bored provincial housewife, abandons her husband to pursue the libertine Rodolphe in a desperate love affair. A succès de scandale in its day, Madame Bovary remains a powerful and arousing novel.
Amy Harris is leading the discussion and the meeting will be held at Charis Call's house, possibly May 7th or 14th (both Thursdays). However, it's looking more and more like Thursdays are not as good for everyone, so if you'd prefer we tried a Tuesday in May (the 5th or the 12th) please leave a comment or let me know.
Finally, sometime soon we also want to schedule a book club meeting to discuss The Hundred Dresses, our theme for our Relief Society service project, which will probably be a big meeting. We'll plan a few fun things for that in addition to discussing the book--I'll keep you posted.
Happy reading!