Sunday, August 16, 2009


Book Club meeting to discuss "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortensen and Mr. Relin
7:00 pm
Debbie Stephens' (new) house
Please call for address/directions
706-621-3775 (Emily)

Refreshments will be provided.

I know all of us have been really moved by the story in this book. It's amazing how one person willing to serve and with a little financial help, can make such important changes in the world. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the "Pennies for Peace" campaigns where schoolchildren pool all their pennies together to raise money for the Central Asia Institute (Kathy, didn't you say that your class did that together?).

Anyway, I thought we should do a "Pennies (and spare change) for Peace" drive at our Book Club meeting. What if all of us empty out our couches, dressers, purses, and cars and bring it to the meeting and see what we can easily pull together to pass onto Bozeman without putting anyone out? Every little bit helps--even if we just scrape together a group check for $20. I'll put a jar by the door if you have some you want to drop in.

Not only are we going to have a larger than usual group this time from what I hear (because everyone loves this book!), but we may even have a representative or two from the opposite sex. Just passing that along in the chance that any other spouses/friends/coworkers would care to come along. We're more than happy to make exceptions. :) It'll be a fun meeting, a good one to invite someone new to.

See you there!

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