Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And a few things I forgot...

I was going to mention this last night and forgot:

First, Greg Mortensen is scheduled to be the Forum speaker at BYU on Oct. 27th. I wish I could go! I'm telling all my family there to have read his book by then and try to go. I'm sure the Marriott Center will be packed. Just thought you'd find that interesting.

Also, they're working on a second book (not with Relin as the writer this time though) that's due out in December. It's like, "Stones into Schools" and sounds like it follows up the progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan since the last book.

Oh, and we need a location and discussion leader for next time. Volunteers???


Shelley Graham said...

OH, man! I want to go so badly! That is awesome that BYU got him for a forum. So many reasons why I miss BYU...

GeorgiaBecksteads said...

Although not there in person, can't we watch it on BYUTV sometime after or do they only put on-line some of their forums?

Emily said...

Yes, I think we should be able to watch it online or BYUTV or whatever. Seriously, when I saw how tightly he was booked all over the creation, I couldn't believe BYU was one of them.